Table of Contents

LPIC-1 / Linux+ Cheat Sheet


101 System Architecture 14%

101.1 Determine and Configure hardware settings (LCN-3 CTL-3)


101.2 Boot the System (LCN-4 CTL-5)


101.3 Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system (LCN-4 CTL-5)


102 Installation and Package Management 18%

102.1 Design hard disk layout (LCN-5 CTL-3)


102.2 Install a boot manager (LCN-5 CTL-5)


102.3 Manage shared libraries (LCN-5 CTL-2)


102.4 Use Debian package management (LCN-5 CTL-2)


102.5 Use RPM and YUM package management (LCN-5 CTL-2)

103 GNU / Unix Commands 43%

103.1 Work on the command line (LCN-6 CTL-1)

103.2 Process text streams using filters (LCN-6 CTL-1)

103.3 Perform basic file management (LCN-6 CTL-4)

103.4 Use streams, pipes and redirects (LCN-6 CTL-1)

103.5 Create, monitor and kill processes (LCN-6 CTL-2)

103.6 Modify process execution priorities (LCN-6 CTL-2)

103.7 Search text files using regular expressions (LCN-6 CTL-1)

103.8 Perform basic file editing operations using vi (LCN-6 CTL-5)

104 Devices, Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy 25%

104.1 Create partitions and filesystems (LCN-7 CTL-3)

104.2 Maintain the integrity of filesystems (LCN-7 CTL-3)

104.3 Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems (LCN-7 CTL-3)

104.4 Manage disk quotas (LCN-7 CTL-4)

104.5 Manage file permissions and ownership (LCN-7 CTL-4)

104.7 Find system files and place files in the correct location (LCN-7 CTL-4)


105 Shells, Scripting and Data Management 17%

105.1 Customize and use the shell environment (LCN-13 CTL-9)

105.2 Customize or write simple scripts (LCN-13 CTL-9)

105.3 SQL data management (LCN-13 CTL-9)

106 User Interfaces and Desktops 8%

106.1 Install and configure X11 (LCN-14 CTL-6)

106.2 Setup a display manager (LCN-14 CTL-6)

106.3 Accessibility (LCN-14 CTL-6)

107 Administrative Tasks 20%

107.2 Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs (LCN-15 CTL-9)

107.3 Localization and internationalization (LCN-15 CTL-6)

108 Essential System Services 17%

108.1 Maintain system time (LCN-16 CTL-7)

108.2 System logging (LCN-16 CTL-7)

108.3 Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) basics (LCN-17 CTL-9)

108.4 Manage printers and printing (LCN-18 CTL-6)

109 Networking Fundamentals 23%

109.1 Fundamentals of internet protocols (LCN-19 CTL-8)

109.2 Basic network configuration (LCN-20 CTL-8)

109.3 Basic network troubleshooting (LCN-21 CTL-8)

109.4 Configure client side DNS (LCN-20 CTL-8)

110 Security 15%

110.1 Perform security administration tasks (LCN-22 CTL-10)

110.2 Setup host security (LCN-23 CTL-10)

110.3 Securing data with encryption (LCN-24 CTL-10)