This is a place for notes I keep for reference which may be of use to others. ==== Tech Cheat Sheets ==== * [[notes:LPIC-1 Notes | Linux+ / LPIC-1 Notes]] * [[notes:Vim Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:bc Cheat Sheet | GNU bc Calculator Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:Perl Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:Python Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:R Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:HTML Cheat Sheet | HTML/XHTML Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:CSS Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:Javascript Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:XML Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:DTD Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:XML Schema Cheat Sheet]] * [[notes:SOAP Cheat Sheet]] ==== Tech Notes ==== * [[notes:Online Snooping]] * [[ notes:n770| Nokia N770 Internet Tablet info ]] * [[notes:win32config | Initial Windows XP Configuration]] * [[notes:win32software | Useful Windows Apps and Tools]] ==== Other Notes ==== * [[notes:History ]] * [[notes:Interesting Facts ]] * [[notes:Books ]] * [[notes:Video Games ]] * [[notes:Trinbago Radio Streams]] * [[notes:Funny Country Song Titles]]