Flash Drive Tools

This is a list of contents of the flash drive I carry around with me. I also carry a bootable Linux CD card in my wallet :) .

Index of Flash Drive

  1. PortableApps
  2. Installers
  3. Utilities
  4. Personal
    • Firefox 2.0.0
    • Gaim 2.0 Beta 3.1
    • FileZilla 2.2.8
    • Thunderbird With Enigmail and Gpg
    • Miranda .6.7
    • ClamWin .88.4
    • 7Zip 4.42
    • Abiword 2.4.5
    • Gimp 2.1.2
    • Audacity 1.2.4b
    • Vlc .8.5r2
    • OpenOffice.org 2.0.4
    • AutoLogon 2.1 Manage auto-logon settings
    • AutoRuns 8.53 Monitor startup programs
    • BGInfo 4.07 Show system info on background
    • DebugView 4.62 View debug info printed by programs
    • Diskmon 2.01 Display all hard disk activity
    • Diskview 2.21 Graphical view of disk
    • du 1.3 Recursively show directory size
    • EFSdump 1.2 Show info about encrypted files
    • FileMon 7.03 Display file system activity
    • Junction 1.04 Directory symbolic links
    • Handle 3.2 See which programs have which files open
    • Hostname 1.0 Convert IP to/from hostname
    • ListDLLs 2.25 See which programs have which DLLs loaded
    • LogonSessions 1.1 See what sessions are logged on
    • MoveFile Schedule a file for deletion/moving on reboot
    • NewSID 4.10 Change a computer's SID
    • PendMoves 1.1 See what deletes/moves are scheduled on reboot
    • ProcessExplorer 10.2 View running processes
    • ProcFeatures 1.1 See what processor features exist
    • PSTools 2.34 Process handling tools
    • RegDelNull 1.1 Delete registry keys with NULLs
    • RegJump 1.01 Open regedit to a given path e.g. HKLM
    • RegMon 7.03 Monitor registry activity
    • RootKitReveler 1.7 Check for rootkits
    • SDelete 1.51 Secure file deletion
    • ShareEnum 1.6 List exported network shares
    • SigCheck 1.3 Check for unsigned files e.g. in Windows\System32
    • Streams 1.53 List files with NTFS streams
    • Strings 2.3 Shows strings embedded in binary files
    • sync 2.2 flush file system data to disk
    • TCPView 2.4 View TCP/UDP endpoints
    • TDIMon 1.01 Monitor TCP/UDP activity
    • TokenMon 1.01 View security-related activity
    • VolumeID 2.0 Set volume ID of FAT/NTFS drives
    • Whois 1.01 Check whois on a hostname/ip address
    • WinObj 2.15 Windows object manager
    • ZoomIt 1.15 Zoom and annotate the screen
  • Various highly encrypted personal info
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