You can use the following code to show what dates are in a schedule or a repeat_interval. The procedure prints out dates in a particular schedule or repeat_interval.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE print_schedule_dates ( schedule IN VARCHAR2, start_date IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT dbms_scheduler.stime(), number_of_dates IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 10 ) IS date_after TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := start_date - INTERVAL '1' SECOND; next_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE; BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. number_of_dates LOOP dbms_scheduler.evaluate_calendar_string (schedule, start_date, date_after, next_date); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(TO_CHAR(next_date, 'DY DD-MON-YYYY (DDD-IW) HH24:MI:SS TZH:TZM TZR')); date_after := next_date; END LOOP; END; /